Episode 66: All The Lonely People
It’s the Pharisees and the priests—of the new Sanhedrin—who will do the same to a man who speaks the truth today.
It’s the Pharisees and the priests—of the new Sanhedrin—who will do the same to a man who speaks the truth today.
Dear Brother Nathanael,
Thank you for your wonderful work. I love it.
However, I do feel compelled to point out some things that, in my opinion, you’re doing wrong. One of these things is you playing rock videos on your show. In simple, blunt terms, kids these days don’t care about Jimmie Hendrix or the Beatles. I’ve been talking with some tweenagers lately and they don’t even know who Elvis was. Their parents tried to introduce them to some 80’s music but they weren’t impressed.
Ironically, these kids are very familiar with Beethoven’s works and they’re even taking piano lessons, so if you want to appeal to young people, give them tips on how to play the piano since you say you’re a trained pianist.
I believe the ability to play a musical instrument like the piano is a defining characteristic of Western civilization so instead of those annoying rock video intermissions, focus on and talk about classical music. You yourself could play the piano for a few minutes to impress your viewers (with the blessing of your confessor, of course). Here’s an idea: dedicate a whole episode to the power and influence of MUSIC.
The second thing that I don’t like is the fact that quite often you make statements about something that contradict some of your previous statements about the same matter. For example, during one of your discussions with Adam Green, he pointed out the plurality of genders in the Talmud and you said that you thought it was made up since you had studied the Talmud and had never come across anything of the sort.
But a few days ago in one of your posts on X you reproved the Talmud and Judaism for accepting the existence of more than two genders and you even provided a list of the Jewish terms for each non-male, non-female gender mentioned in the Talmud, which begs the question: how good is your knowledge of Judaism in general and of the Talmud in particular?
What are your credentials? do you actually speak Hebrew fluently? Can you hold a debate in Hebrew? Answering these questions and providing some proof would boost your credibility and your viewership.
A third thing that I don’t like is your superficiality. You rarely cut to the pith of the matter. You often sidetrack and viewers don’t understand what your message is. For instance, you have not answered some of the most relevant questions that many of your viewers have asked: why have you left Judaism? why is Judaism wrong?
Why is Christianity better? how has your conversion to Christianity made a difference? what do we, as Christians, say in response to Jews claiming to be God’s chosen people in virtue of their wealth and influence? and so on.
You playing rock videos during your show contributes to the confusion. Please stay focused and be more serious and keep the giggling and the jokes to a minimum. Young viewers want MEANING, not entertainment.
Another thing that I’m uncomfortable with is your show’s neon logo. You have placed it on an icon depicting Christ, effectively relegating a sacred object to a neon billboard. I would appreciate it if you put the neon logo somewhere else. I would also appreciate it if you opened the show with a prayer but I guess that’s entirely up to you.
I hope you don’t take my criticism as an affront. I really want your viewership to grow, which is why I’m sharing these opinions.
Thank you for everything you do and I’m looking forward to the next episode of your show. I love it.